
Analogue timetravelling

Look at the picture! Triple exposure can make you look about 3 times older.


Dancing Christmas lights

This was an experiment. I tried to make double exposure. At first I took picture of a friend from contemporary dancing lesson and the second shot was long time drawing with the decoration light. The result looks quite psychedelic.



I just played with double exposition. I like the old pink shade of the picture.


Going home

This is my friend Katarina. I catched her in the train on her way home. I like the feeling from this.


Analogue fight

           Diana vs. Moskva-5

The amazing thing about analogue photography is that you never know what you finally get from the lab. These photos were taken in the same conditions, but with the different cameras and films.

My friend took photo of me and at the same time I took him.

Which one do you like more? I think for this time it's 1:0 for Diana :)


First shot

Nothing is perfect at the first time. This was my first blind shot with Moskva-5:

Later I've bought an exposure meter. And now it is much easier to make pictures sharp and with the right light. But hey, who said that the blurry overexposed pictures are bad?

The story begins

I have never been keen into analogue photography, but now I am in love!
Look, what I've found home burried in dust. It's an old Russian camera Moskva-5.

It has a beautiful brown leather cover. (You can actually smell the old times from the leather)

 Look what is hidden under the cover!

This blog is about my first tries (and fails:) with this camera and my first touch with the analogue photography at all.
Enjoy the Stories from Moskva!